Author: Vijay Patel, DC, CCSP

Alzheimer’s and Other Dementias

ognitive decline is a natural process that is going to affect most of us, much like arthritis and tooth decay. Though we can take great care of our bodies and minds, the wear and tear of time prevail in the end. This being said, as a Chiropractic Physician who is responsible for taking care of an aging population, we must be aware of the differences between normal cognitive decline and diagnosis of Dementia.

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Syringomyelia (SM) is a chronic disorder of the spinal cord in which cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) forms a cavity within the spinal cord, known as a syrinx. Over time the syrinx can expand and elongate, damaging nerve cells inside the spinal cord, thus causing a vast array of symptoms that depend on the location and size of the syrinx and, subsequently, the structures in the spinal cord that are affected.1When a syrinx affects the brain stem, this type of SM is called a syringobulbia and often affects the cranial nerves (VII, IX-XII).6

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