Author: Ray Foxworth, DC, FICC, MCS-P

Advancements in A.I. are Combating Healthcare Fraud

The National Health Care Anti-Fraud Association estimated that healthcare fraud costs the nation $68 billion annually. (BCBS, n.d.) An article on the Physicians Practice website published February 18, 2021, stated, “In January 2020, the U.S. Justice Department reported that over $2.6 billion had been recovered from lawsuits relating to medical fraud.

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Celebrating the Women of Chiropractic

October is National Women’s Small Business Month. “National Women’s Small Business Month is a time to recognize and applaud the talented, dedicated, and driven women whose entrepreneurial spirit helps drive our nation’s economy forward,” said Carla Harris, Chair of the National Women’s Business Council. This is an opportunity for us to recognize and celebrate the hard work of women in our profession.

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A Key Focus for Your Practice: Athletes

Most patients come into our offices with recent injuries, or not so recent, which have finally become unbearable. Often, we are the last stop before surgery. Truthfully, the patients who need us most are the ones in our communities who are the healthiest. Athletes can rely on chiropractic physicians to reach peak performance levels and minimize the stresses that sports and training can put on their bodies. This is especially important for youth athletes, with seasons lasting longer and training becoming more competitive.

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