Gov. Quinn Approves Addition of Chiropractic Physician to State Board of Health!

Congratulations to All! Again! The Chiropractic profession took yet another step forward as Governor Pat Quinn endorsed another Illinois Chiropractic Society initiative! The latest measure to receive gubernatorial approval adds a chiropractic physician to the Illinois State Board of Health.
Without enactment of the ICS initiative HB 1292, there would be no chiropractic physician members of the Illinois State Board of Health. The State Board of Health membership consisted of 17 members including 5 physicians licensed to practice medicine in all of its branches, 1 Dentist, 1 environmental health practitioner, 1 local public health administrator, 1 a member of a local board of health, 1 registered nurse, 1 veterinarian, 1 public health academician, 1 health care industry representative, 1 representative of the business community, 1 representative of the non-profit public interest community and 2 citizens at large. One of these 17 members must be a senior citizen age 60 or over. Now the membership of the Board will also include a chiropractic physician.
Public Act 96-0455 becomes effective immediately upon the Governor’s signature.
During the path to ultimate approval, this legislation received a “hostile amendment” to also add a licensed physical therapist to the State Board of Health.
Also, if you did not see, this was the third ICS bill signed by the governor. Here are the articles which discuss the first two:
- Governor Quinn Endorses Parity Among Chiropractic and Allopathic Physicians
- Gov. Quinn Approves Chiropractic Physician’s Authority To Issue “Sick Notes”
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