Author: Ray Foxworth, DC, FICC, MCS-P

Medicare: Understanding the Difference Between Non-Participating and Opting-Out

Medicare: Understanding the Difference Between Non-Participating and Opting-Out

When it comes to chiropractic and treating Medicare patients, the time has come to make some big decisions for you and your practice. In the final 6 weeks of every calendar year, chiropractors may elect to be Par or Non-Par providers. Don’t confuse this with the ability to opt out of Medicare, a luxury not afforded to chiropractors and a select few other health care providers (Noridian Healthcare Solutions, 2018).

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The Secret to Practice Growth – Invest in Your Employees

The Secret to Practice Growth – Invest in Your Employees

One of the biggest struggles I see doctors having in practice today is hiring and maintaining a strong team. Although we are small businesses, thinking like a big business and following the examples of successful companies when it comes to building a team will help you flourish in practice. What successful companies know is that happy employees help a business thrive. And losing employees costs money (advertising, interviewing, training), time with lost productivity, and increases customer service complaints and errors, which impacts your other employees, and more importantly, your patients.

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The Future of Chiropractic Looks Bright

The Future of Chiropractic Looks Bright

Last month at the FCA National Convention in Orlando, Florida, our own Kristi Hudson introduced attendees to Brooke Preston, the third recipient of the Foxworth Family Chiropractic Scholarship. A student at Northwestern Health Sciences University, Brooke received $10,000 towards her tuition and $5,000 in cash to offset her living expenses and further her education outside of the classroom. An additional $10,000 was donated to her school. In Orlando, Dr. Deb Bushway, Interim President and CEO of Northwestern Health Sciences University, announced that the donation would be used to host a job fair for the students.

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When It Comes to Growing Your Practice, Think Small… Not Big

When It Comes to Growing Your Practice, Think Small… Not Big

I have spent years talking to chiropractors across the country, and one of the biggest dilemmas most of them share, myself included, is determining the clinic’s fee schedule. We are torn between running a profitable business and giving our patients access to affordable healthcare – in many cases diminishing the value of our services and making us the target of unnecessary risk.

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Don’t Be Confused About Medicare

Don’t Be Confused About Medicare

I am always surprised by the amount of misinformation out there when it comes to Medicare and chiropractic care. The truth is that Medicare is not that complicated. The rules are pretty clear-cut on what we can and cannot do. Although they have one of the lowest reimbursement rates, there are still benefits to seeing Medicare patients in your practice. How knowledgeable are you when it comes to seeing Medicare patients?

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