Author: Marc Abla, CAE

BCBSIL Delays September 1 Implementation Date

The ICS has previously relayed information published in the May 2014 and June 2014 editions of the Blue Review regarding billing for services rendered by licensed massage therapists in the physician office. Blue Cross and Blue Shield of Illinois (BCBSIL) announced upcoming policy changes that would: 1) require licensed massage therapists to obtain an NPI and bill all services to BCBSIL under the massage therapist’s NPI, rather than under the supervising provider’s NPI; and 2) that a “reimbursement differential” would apply to services rendered by a licensed massage therapist.

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BCBSIL Billing for Medically Unnecessary and/or Medically Unproven Services

“Effective for dates of service on or after July 14, 2014,* claims submitted to BCBSIL for services that are deemed to be medically unnecessary and/or medically unproven (experimental and investigational) will be denied with a message specifying that the member will not be financially responsible for charges associated with…any outpatient procedure or other services that are determined by utilization management to be medically unnecessary and/or medically unproven.

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Employee Concealed Carry

In July 2013, Illinois enacted the Firearm Concealed Carry Act, which authorizes permit holders to carry loaded handguns, concealed or partially concealed, on their persons or in their vehicles. The law prohibits permit holders from carrying firearms into certain types of premises and establishments, including: schools of any kind; any government building or court; any hospital, mental health or nursing home; any establishment where more than 50% of the gross receipts are from the sale of alcohol; public playgrounds or parks; casinos; public transportation; sports stadiums; airports; and amusement parks or zoos.

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BCBSIL Orthonet Alert

The most effective method of effecting change is through the purchaser. As we have asked throughout 2013, the ICS is asking doctors around Illinois to inform their patients covered by BCBSIL health plans of the looming changes concerning physical medicine under their BCBSIL policies.

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Increasing Value

The Illinois Chiropractic Society understands the current challenges for our doctors and their practices. The number of changes that have happened and are coming in the next year are simply daunting: BCBS/Orthonet, NGS taking over Medicare in Illinois, HIPAA Omnibus Rule changes, Insurance Marketplace new offerings, other Affordable Care Act implementations, EHR deadlines, license renewals, CME deadline, and sweeping changes to diagnosis codes (ICD-10). However, we will continue to make sure that our members are kept up-to-date regarding all of these coming changes.

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