Author: Joseph Ferstl, DC, DABCO


Change can be defined as “a difference in a state of affairs at different points in time”. However, some of the old-time philosophers went so far as insisting that change was impossible and that reality was unchanging. I would suggest that, though some of us like the same old ways, change is an evolution and is influenced by circumstances and present reality. Even though some may choose to ignore or minimize circumstances and live in their “own reality,” these are changing times.

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Furthering the Mission

our Board of Directors and staff leaders took time away from practice and families to continue to pursue our mission. The Illinois Chiropractic Society continues to focus on and press toward ensuring that 18% of Illinoisans are treated by a chiropractic physician. I want to thank the Board of Directors for dedicating their weekend to work toward making 18% by 2018 a reality.

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