Author: David Flatt, DC, DABCO

Chiropractic works. Chiropractic saves money. Chiropractic saves lives.

It’s sad and jaded, but the opioid crisis is good business for chiropractic. We now see that major authorities are asking for non-pharmacological options prior to opioid prescriptions. Musculoskeletal pain, led by spinal disorders, costs the US healthcare system 874 billion dollars per year and is the most common cause of severe long-term pain and disability.

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Healthier Illinois: Increasing Chiropractic Utilization

The Illinois Chiropractic Society is actively working on increasing the utility, role, and cultural authority of chiropractic in Illinois. We have created a public resource website called that we feel represents chiropractic exceptionally well.
We feel this endeavor benefits chiropractic collectively and each of us individually. We are asking that you actively promote this website to your patients on social media and within your office.

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