Two Minutes to Advance Medicare Parity

5 of Illinois’ 18 Congresspersons are currently co-sponsors on H.R. 2654 (proposed Medicare Modernization). H.R. 2654 is legislation that would allow Medicare beneficiaries to have coverage for and access all of the services provided by chiropractic physicians acting within their scope of practice. We need 10 of 18 Illinois Congresspersons to sponsor H.R. 2654 by the end of April 2022!
Rep. Jan Schakowsky (D-IL 9), Rep. Rodney Davis (R-IL 13), Rep. Bill Foster (D-IL 11), Rep. Danny Davis [D-IL 7], and Rep. Bobby Rush [D-IL 1] are all currently signed on as cosponsors. However, we need you as constituents to take two minutes to reach out to the remaining Illinois’ Congressional members.
How You Can Send Your Message (2 Minutes)
We are calling our members to action! We urge you to reach out to your members of Congress to help your Medicare patients by sending a message to your Congressperson TODAY and ask him/her to co-sponsor H.R. 2654. You will be able to do this within a couple of clicks and in less than 2 minutes! ACT NOW by simply clicking here.
Also, please forward the link (https://www.ilchiro.org//2654) to your colleagues and encourage them to participate!
How Your Patients Can Get Involved
Do your Medicare patients ever mention to you that they would like more of your services to be covered by Medicare? If so, involve them in our efforts to advance H.R. 2654!
There are four easy action items you can take to inform and involve your Medicare patients:
- Tell your patients to go www.ilchiro.org//patient2654 and contact their Congresspersons there. Patients simply need to enter their own name and address and will be prompted easily through the process. You could even make a table available in your waiting room for this purpose.
- Download this poster here and ask them to contact their Congresspersons today!
- Download any one or all of these social media infographics to help spread the word (Click on the image below to download; to download all images click here).
- Use your social media to share ICS’ social posts that have a direct link for patients to email their Congresspersons.
Why Is Medicare Modernization (H.R. 2654) Important?
Right now, Medicare will only reimburse chiropractic physicians for one service — spinal manipulation – provided to Medicare patients. However, doctors are professionally bound to provide additional services to accurately diagnose a patient, resulting in undue financial hardship on patients who may not be able to pay out of pocket for all of the required services. Medicare pays for these services when provided by other health care practitioners but not chiropractic physicians. Therefore, the patient’s ability to choose his/her provider is effectively extremely limited.