Spotlight: Saluting Dr. Roger Pope, D.C., F.I.C.C.

The ICS wishes to pay tribute to Dr. Roger Pope on the recent 50th anniversary of his membership in the Society. Most of our members know that Dr. Pope has been an exemplary chiropractic physician and ICS member since 1972, but we have recently learned of many other acts of service for which he has received high honors.
Before attending chiropractic college, Dr. Pope served in the United States Army, attaining the rank of First Lieutenant in the Quartermaster Corps. The quartermaster personnel were involved in massive logistics operations in every area of Vietnam, furnishing vital supplies and services, often under adverse and dangerous conditions. Dr. Pope was awarded the Army Commendation Medal for Service with the First Logistical Command, Republic of Vietnam. Additionally, in 1979, the Boone County Board awarded him with a Certificate for Outstanding Achievement of Vietnam Veterans. It is in keeping with Dr. Pope’s quiet humility that many of us who have known him for years were previously unaware of Dr. Pope’s decorated military service.
After his army service, Dr. Pope attended and graduated from National College of Chiropractic in 1972. He practiced for 43 years in the same location in Belvidere, Illinois, where he became an iconic and esteemed family doctor for thousands of patients over the years.
During Dr. Pope’s many years of practice, he generously served the ICS in various elected and appointed offices, including multiple terms as President. He also represented the chiropractic profession in a myriad of other organizations and offices, including the Illinois Medical Licensing Board (including Chairman 1996-1999), as a member of the National Board of Chiropractic Examiners Test Committee, as a Director and Councilor for the Council on Chiropractic Education (CCE), as the Governor’s appointee to the Statewide Health Coordinating Council, and others too numerous to mention. He is a past recipient of the ICS Chiropractor of the Year award, the American Chiropractic Association’s (ACA) President’s Award, as well as the ACA’s Meritorious Service Award. Moreover, he has served and continues to serve his community in various charitable service organizations in the Belvidere area.
Please join us in extending our heartfelt appreciation to Dr. Pope for his many contributions to the ICS, to his community, to the chiropractic profession and to our nation. Congratulations, Dr. Pope!