New Minimum Wage January 1, 2022
As of January 1, 2022, the minimum wage has increased in the State of Illinois. Be sure to make the necessary changes in your payroll systems to reflect the changes. Watch the video to learn more!
Several years ago, Illinois passed a new minimum wage law that slowly increases the minimum wage for employees over the course of time, ultimately ending up in 2025, where $15 is the minimum wage, we wanted to let you know that if you were not aware, as of January 1 of 2022, there is a new amount that is in play for minimum wage, and that is $12 an hour. Again, that begins January 1, 2022, so just a couple of days ago. So with that, there’s also another caveat, and it has to do with employees under the age of 18 years. So if you have somebody working for you, that is 17 years old and younger and is not working 650 hours in a given year, so is not working 650 hours, and is 17 and under, then they have a different minimum wage, and that minimum wage is $9.25. However, if you have any employee that’s working over 650 hours, then they would be at the $12 rate, and anyone that is 18 years of age and older is also at the new $12 an hour rate at a minimum wage. So we wanted to make sure that you’re aware of that so you can get all of your policies and payroll information changed in time for payroll or for your first payroll period, and we hope this helps you out and we’ll catch you next week.