Current Mask and Screening Requirement Information

The governor removed most COVID-specific Executive Orders regarding healthcare workers on October 14, 2022. ICS members received notice of this change via email on October 17, 2022.
Important Updates:
- EO2022-21 now requires following CDC guidelines for masking requirements. If your county does NOT have a high transmission rate, then masks are not required in your office. Click Here for the current levels.
- EO2022-21 removes the weekly testing requirement for physicians and staff.
- CDC now recommends self-screening for patients and staff (i.e., signs on doors).
Please review each section below for more information and to determine YOUR specific county requirements.
Face Coverings
Executive Order (2022-21) changed the previous requirement for face coverings in all healthcare settings and now points to the current CDC guidelines.
According to the Executive Order:
“All individuals, including those who are fully vaccinated, shall be required to wear a face covering consistent with CDC guidance, including […] (3) in healthcare settings.” [emphasis added]
Please see the CDC health care setting guidelines below.
ICS members can download a free “face-covering required” poster here.
CDC Changes and Screening Recommendations
On September 23, 2022, the CDC made significant changes to its recommendations for healthcare settings. Here are the key provisions of the new recommendations:
Information related to source control (masking):
“When SARS-CoV-2 Community Transmission levels are high, source control is [still] recommended for everyone in a healthcare setting when they are in areas of the healthcare facility where they could encounter patients.” [emphasis added]
“When SARS-CoV-2 Community Transmission levels are not high, healthcare facilities could choose not to require universal source control.” [emphasis added]
Community transmission levels can be checked by county here. Please ensure that “Community Transmission” is selected when viewing your county’s level. For example, as of October 16, 2022, 33 Illinois counties are still at a “High” Community Transmission level.
Screening: CDC has now relaxed their guidance regarding patient screening. The new guidance says, “Provide guidance (e.g., posted signs at entrances, instructions when scheduling appointments) about recommended actions for patients and visitors who have any of the above three criteria.” Thus, as long as you have a sign on your door that addresses the three indicators (a positive test, symptoms, and close contact), then front desk screening is no longer required.
ICS members can download a sign for these symptoms here.
Important Note: The current Executive Order now uses CDC guidelines as the Illinois requirement. Please take the time to review “Community Transmission” levels in YOUR county. Click Here for the current levels.
Healthcare Employee Testing Requirements
Weekly testing is no longer required.