License Renewal Is Open – Fees Waived

[Editor’s Note: Yes, renewal is free for the 2023 renewal cycle. This was a part of legislative action by the general assembly and governor in 2022 and another reason the Illinois Chiropractic Society must represent chiropractic physicians at the Capitol. Thank you for your membership and for considering joining at www.ilchiro.org/join.]
The Illinois Department of Financial and Professional Regulation’s (IDFPR) renewal portal is open for licensure renewal under the Illinois Medical Practice Act. Chiropractic physicians have until July 31, 2023, to complete the renewal process, including earning all of the required continuing medical education credits.
The good news is that for this license renewal period only, renewal fees will be waived! This development was the result of legislation approved last year to provide relief due to the prolonged pandemic situation. The ICS, through its legislative advocacy program, joined other healthcare provider groups in supporting the legislation.
The license renewal portal of the IDFPR can be found here. For a step-by-step instructional video on how to complete the form, click on the ICS website. The ICS recommends viewing the video if you have not yet renewed, as the IDPFR has redesigned the renewal portal entry. Even more background and information on the renewal process can be accessed by clicking here.
For renewal, applicants must complete a total of 150 hours of approved continuing education during the three-year period prior to renewal. This requirement is broken down into 60 hours of formal CME (sometimes referred to as “Category I”) and 90 hours of informal CME (“Category II”). Formal CME must be provided by an approved CME sponsor – the Illinois Chiropractic Society is an approved sponsor. In fact, ICS members can receive all of the necessary credits for renewal through the ICS at no additional charge. Click on this link for details about the CME process.