Congress of Chiropractic State Associations Recap

This weekend I had the honor of attending the Congress of Chiropractic State Associations in Seattle, Washington along with board members and executive directors of many of the state chiropractic associations and national chiropractic organizations. In addition to meeting and networking with leaders of our profession, our Executive Director Marc Abla and I attended multiple roundtables and listened to several educational speakers.
Just a few miles from our convention in downtown Seattle is the Lake View Cemetery on Capitol Hill. There rests an African-American janitor who worked in the Ryan Building on Brady Street in Davenport, Iowa in 1895 by the name of William Harvey Lillard. After being deaf for over 17 years, Lillard had long ago decided to not seek further treatments from doctors as it did him no good. However, after only receiving two treatments by D.D. Palmer the majority of Lillard’s hearing was restored.

In our ever-evolving society, the face of health care is changing. The Affordable Care Act and ICD 10 are looming on the horizon along with numerous insurance changes and regulations. What hasn’t changed in over 100 years is chiropractic works! Sometimes, in the day to day monotony of reimbursement battles, running an office, and 3rd party payors; it’s difficult to refocus and realign ourselves to our purpose.
As a part of the chiropractic profession and the ICS, we have come a long way, but we still have a long, uphill battle to fight. I challenge you to be involved in chiropractic. Be involved in your state and national organizations. Be the chiropractic physician that is focused and purposeful and inspires others to do the same.
I wish all of you a happy holiday season full of many blessings and a prosperous 2014.