Chicago: Massage Therapy and Supplement Rules

Does the City of Chicago require doctors office to hold additional licenses for massage therapy or supplement sales?
Massage Therapy:
“A Massage Establishment License is required to operate any business where massage is performed.” However, “‘Massage establishment’ means any place of business where any person, for any consideration whatever, engages in the practice of massage as defined above, but does not include any hospitals, nursing homes, facilities or offices at which a health care worker duly licensed by the State of Illinois provides, on an ongoing basis, professional health services to individuals, including but limited to as permitted by the Illinois Occupational Therapy Practice Act, 225 ILCS 75/1, et seq.; the Illinois Physical Therapy Act, 225 ILCS 90/1, et seq.; the Medical Practice Act, 225 ILCS 60/1 et seq.; or the Illinois Naprapathic Practice Act, 225 ILCS 63/1, et seq.”
Supplement Sales:
“A Limited Business License (LBL) is required for businesses in the City of Chicago engaged in general sales, that provide a service, engage in office operations or businesses that do not fall under another license category and are not exempt from City licenses.”
However, “professions that are licensed by the State of Illinois Department of Professional Regulation” are not required to obtain a Limited Business License.