Blue Cross Blue Shield (BCBS) Orthonet Update

The Illinois Chiropractic Society continues to work on the BCBS/Orthonet issue through communications with many physicians around the state and BCBS directly. In a previous meeting, BCBS asked the ICS to cease promoting our Patient Advocacy Campaign. However, we believe this is an important endeavor and continue to ask our doctors to participate. If you would like more information, including a flyer for your patients, please visit here.
The start date delayed? Although the ICS has not received official word from BCBS, we have heard unofficially that the Orthonet implementation has been delayed until January 2014.
Lastly, we are monitoring our requests for opinions to both the U.S. Dept. of Health and Human Services and the Illinois Department of Insurance regarding the non-discrimination provision of PPACA that begins on January 1, 2014. It is our contention that the Orthonet program as presented will violate Section 2706 of PPACA by discriminating against all independent professional providers in favor of licensed facilities.
We will continue to monitor, advocate, and inform our doctors concerning this issue in the months to come.