Author: Marc Abla, CAE

A Flurry of Activity

Some people claim to like change. I believe they are more likely to embrace change. I don’t have to remind you that the volume of issues and events that we are seeing in the health care world and, more specifically, the chiropractic profession is daunting. The changes in governmental requirements, insurance demands, electronic records, patients’ expectations, and increased scrutiny can seem overwhelming to many in the profession.

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EHR: The Basics

This Act is also known as the Economic Stimulus Act and was signed into law in February 2009. Within the AARA, there have been monies set aside to encourage (through incentive payments) physicians, hospitals, and other eligible providers to use Electronic Health Records (EHR). The amount set aside is between $17-19 billion. Chiropractic physicians included in the list of those who can become Eligible Professionals.

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Electronic Health Records (EHR) Updates

The ICS regularly receives questions regarding the incentive program for electronic health records, meaningful use, certified software, and attestation. From time to time, we have held seminars and webinars to walk through many of the perceived “obstacles” to success when implementing new software and attestation. Below you will find some general answers and clarifications to several questions surrounding EHR.

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Clinical Summaries Clarification

The ICS previously placed several formal inquiries to CMS regarding clarification for Clinical Summaries (Measure 13, Stage 1). We made the inquiries because the language in many of their publications was ambiguous and left providers uncertain. However, CMS recently released a statement with greater clarification:

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BCBS and Orthonet – December 2012

BCBS has indicated, “Initially the program will apply to BCBSIL PPO members who are fully insured.” According to the Employee Benefit Research Institute, “In a fully insured plan, the employer pays a per-employee premium to an insurance company, and the insurance company assumes the risk of providing health coverage for insured events.” Roughly 45% of insured patients are fully insured. However, BCBSIL has indicated that the program may be expanded to other plans after the initial period.

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