ACT NOW to DELAY Harmful Medicare Cuts (Again)!

In our continuing efforts to prevent proposed devasting Medicare cuts, we want to inform you that legislation has been introduced in Congress to DELAY the harmful Medicare cuts. H.R. 8505 (Burgess) seeks to delay the cuts by waiving the budget neutrality requirement for the 2021 proposed Medicare fee schedule for one year. We need you to act NOW!
Over the last month, we have been calling our members to action about the 2021 Proposed Medicare Fee Schedule that would greatly reduce the reimbursement to chiropractic physicians for spinal manipulation codes. The ICS estimates the reduction to be 19.54%, based on proposed Medicare cuts to two separate elements – relative value units and conversion factor – used to calculate the fee schedule for spinal manipulation.
Medicare is required to maintain budget neutrality when it proposes its fee schedule. Ultimately, this means for any codes to receive increases, others must receive decreases to avoid increased program costs. Unfortunately, chiropractic physicians are doubly affected, because they are not covered for examinations, and the one service for which they are covered will suffer a decrease in the fee.
H.R. 8505 (Burgess R-TX-26) would waive budget neutrality for one year. This would allow Congress more time to thoroughly examine the budget neutrality requirement for the future. Effectively, this would STOP the proposed harmful Medicare reductions for the current time.
We have asked you to act before to oppose the fee cut. We now are asking you act again, even if you already contacted your Congressperson previously, to ask them to SUPPORT the bill that would provide relief from the proposed cuts.
We ask you to contact your Congressperson TODAY to ask them to SUPPORT H.R. 8505. It will take less than 5 minutes of your time.