The Unique Role of Chiropractic in Promoting Natural Healing

Chiropractic is a unique profession. In an era where healthcare is becoming increasingly consolidated and the personal doctor-patient relationship is fading, we are able to connect with our patients on a deep and lasting level – making a real difference in their health and lives.
With the mantra “Natural First,” chiropractic physicians look at health differently. The body has an inherent ability to heal, given the right environment, free of interference from physical, emotional, and chemical stress. Although there is great diversity of philosophy within the chiropractic profession, our care focuses on addressing the whole person, referring for pharmaceutical or invasive procedures only when necessary.
Our low-tech, high-touch approach to care helps the chiropractic profession to be one of the most cost-effective and safest treatment options for many common patient complaints. From low back pain to headaches to metabolic syndrome, our common-sense way of educating patients on how their bodies function and ways to restore their health provides tremendous savings.
Being unique also does create challenges for our profession. Because many practices are composed of solo providers, it can raise our overhead costs and make it difficult to stay on top of compliance regulations. Group medical practices or hospital groups use economies of scale and administrative staff to ease costs and compliance burdens for their providers.
Our message of “Natural First” does not readily fit with the structure of health insurance coverage in the United States. Even with the millennials aging into their forties, it’s still counterculture to address the whole person in healthcare. Prescribing a medication, injection, or surgery for a patient’s complaint is often easier, cheaper, and considered the norm.
The diversity of the chiropractic profession can make it difficult to have a unified voice to the public and to legislators. Insurance companies, other healthcare providers, and even our patients can have difficulty knowing what to expect when they go to a chiropractic physician. This hampers our ability to spread the message of chiropractic care and provide the natural relief that so many desperately need.
Because of this uniqueness as a chiropractic physician, I feel it is vital to be a member of the Illinois Chiropractic Society. Not only do they support our patient-centered approach with excellent continuing education, but also fully support the diversity of the profession – fighting to maintain our broad scope so we can practice as broadly or narrowly as our practices require.
Equipping doctors with the knowledge to operate their practices is a key function of the Illinois Chiropractic Society. I am continually amazed at the readily available content on compliance, billing, and other administrative topics that they produce in several formats to meet the needs of on-the-go doctors. They save members countless hours – serving as a partner for practice success.
The Illinois Chiropractic Society also informs lawmakers, insurance companies, and other stakeholders about the cost-effectiveness and high satisfaction rates associated with chiropractic care. Current projects include expanding the availability of natural treatment options for all, working to create further access within the Illinois Medicaid program, and coordinating efforts for increasing Medicare coverage with the American Chiropractic Association and other national organizations.
Knowing that the public desperately needs our “Natural First” approach, the Illinois Chiropractic Society works to increase education on how chiropractic can change lives through public relations campaigns, partnering with the Foundation for Chiropractic Progress and the Chiropractic Future Strategic Plan to spread our message. We are stakeholders at numerous national chiropractic groups and organizations. Our staff are considered leaders in the profession, creating a higher standard that influences chiropractic beyond the borders of Illinois.
As your new President of the Illinois Chiropractic Society, I am proud of what we’ve accomplished and excited to see what is to come for our profession. Having joined as a student while at National, continuing on as a doctor for the past sixteen years, and serving on the board of directors since 2014, I’ve watched this organization grow and become one of the best advocates of chiropractic care. It could not have come this far without countless volunteer hours of leaders within our profession in Illinois and a dedicated staff who is truly passionate about “Natural First” care. Please join me in helping move chiropractic care forward in Illinois. I look forward to partnering with each of you toward the success of your professional practice, personal fulfillment, and a healthier Illinois.