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Top 4 Year-End Tasks

In this video, we will be discussing the top four things that you should prioritize by year-end. Be sure to watch the video for more information.

Link from today’s video:

2022 Top Ten Year-End Reminders for Chiropractic Physicians



We’re excited about what 2023 is going to bring the chiropractic profession, especially for the doctors here in Illinois. But I wanted to touch on a couple of key items, we threw out actually a top 10 article a few weeks ago, the top 10 things that you should do before the end of the year, sort of highlight a couple of those that I think are really, really important. First, have you updated all of your office posters, your employment posters, and postings that you’re required to have up in your office, especially for employment, make sure you do that, if you don’t know what that list is, by the way, you can get them all for free, you don’t have to buy a great big giant one from the local office supply store. Instead, just go to 10. Look at the top item on there. And you can get a link to an article that lists out all of those you can print them off and make sure that they’re all hung up in that common area that you have for your employees, again, that is – get all of those things for free.

A second is this, when is the last time that you did a review of all of your employees and check to make sure that they’re not on the Medicare exclusion list. This is actually a required check that you shouldn’t be doing on a very regular basis, they actually recommend at least once a month. But if you’ve never done that before, you want to make sure just check and verify that none of your employees are on a Medicare exclusion list. If something happens and somebody slips through, and they happen to be on the Medicare exclusion list, then you’d be shocked and surprised as to what the penalties and fines and penalties, etc that are related with having someone on your staff when you treat Medicare patients, it’s on an exclusive list. So again, jump out to the top 10 article, and you can find out exactly how to do that.

Next is this When is the last time that you actually verify that you have registered your Medical Corporation, your Professional Service Corporation, or your Professional Limited Liability Company. All three of those entities must be registered through IDFPR, you do the registration, And that basically kind of gives your business its own license as well. It’s required if you have any of those entities. So if you’ve not registered or if you’re not certain when the last time that you registered or renewed your registration, make sure that you jump out today and check it out. Again, details on that are in the top 10 article at

The last is only the fourth one in the list. And this one is a little bit more up in the air because of the changes that happened last week with the Medicare Fee Schedule. On occasion when there’s a last-minute changes in the Medicare Fee Schedule. They extend the deadline for choosing your participation status with Medicare. We have not heard that that has happened yet. We will send out a quick release. If you need that information. We’ll make sure that you’re aware of, watch the Illinois Practice Edge that comes out on Thursday mornings, we’ll give you that update if we have that update or if something has changed. But right now the deadline for choosing your participation status with Medicare is December 31 of 2022. Now, if you don’t want to change your status, no problem. You don’t have to do anything. But if you’re looking to switch from participating to non-participating or from non-participating to participating, then make sure that you go out and check your participation status and update it.

Now, lastly is this if you’re not actually registered with CMS registered with Medicare as a participating provider or a non-participating provider, and you see Medicare patients, that’s not okay. You want to make sure that you are absolutely registered with Medicare in one of those two status. If you are seeing Medicare patients at all, that is a requirement by CMS. Hopefully, these four items helped you out if not go check out the full list at That’s number one, the number zero and we will catch you next week. Take care

About Author

Marc Abla, CAE

Marc Abla began working at the Illinois Chiropractic Society in 2002 and became the Executive Director in 2008. He brings his extensive financial, administrative and association experience to the ICS. He is a Certified Association Executive and a graduate of the Certified Leadership Series through the Illinois Society of Association Executives. Additionally, he is a member of the Illinois Society of Association Executives, the American Society of Association Executives, Association Forum, Congress of Chiropractic State Associations, and the American Chiropractic Association.

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