The time to ACT for Medicare patients is now!

Congress is now out of session for the August recess. This means Congresspersons are back home in their districts and connecting with constituents. This is a great time for constituents to reach out to their Congresspersons about the Chiropractic Medicare Coverage Modernization Act of 2021 (H.R. 2654).
WHAT IS H.R. 2654?
H.R. 2654 is legislation that would allow Medicare beneficiaries to have coverage for and access all of the services provided by a chiropractic physician acting within their scope of practice.
Right now, Medicare will only reimburse chiropractic physicians for spinal manipulation. However, doctors must provide additional services to accurately and professionally diagnose a patient, resulting in undue financial hardship on patients who may not be able to pay out of pocket for all of the required services. Medicare pays for these services when provided by other health care practitioners but not chiropractic physicians. Therefore, the patient’s ability to choose his/her provider is effectively extremely limited.
H.R. 2654 was introduced into Congress earlier this year. The legislation currently has 79 co-sponsors from all over the country, including 3 from Illinois. They are Rep. Jan Schakowsky (D-IL 9), Rep. Rodney Davis (R-IL 13), and Rep. Bill Foster (D-IL 11).
Our goal is to have the entire Illinois delegation as co-sponsors of this legislation. To achieve our goal, we need your help!
We are calling our members to action! We want you to reach out to your members of Congress while they are home for the August recess.
There are three easy action items you can do to help you and your Medicare patients. They are as follows:
Email your Congressperson TODAY and ask them to support and co-sponsor HR. 2654. You will be able to do this within a couple of clicks and in less than 5 minutes! For you to ACT NOW, simply click here.
Ask your patients for help! Download this poster and ask them to contact their Congresspersons today! Click here for the downloadable poster.
Share our action alerts on social media! We will be posting action alerts for patients on our Healthier Illinois Facebook page. We encourage you to like Healthier Illinois on Facebook and share the posts to have your patients act.
Thank you for helping Medicare patients!