The Session Ends… But the Work Goes On!

Summer is in full swing, and with summer comes summer-fun and summer projects. Most people associate the summer months with vacations, golf, cookouts and blockbuster movies like Avatar or Sharktopus! Others may keep busy with gardening and other yard or housework. Either way, the Board and staff of the ICS hope that you are enjoying these warm and often rainy days!
The ICS has had a very active summer thus far and there is no sign of it slowing down. The Illinois General Assembly may have adjourned, but our work goes far beyond the legislature. As always, the staff at the ICS is here to be your resources for the latest information in chiropractic related news and developments as well as the key point of contact for our member’s questions. Most recently the ICS staff has been hard at work launching our redesigned and more user-friendly website but the extent of what the ICS is doing goes much much further!
Our Department of Education is placing the final touches on our upcoming 2010 Chicago National Convention, arranging one of the best speaker slates we have seen. All of this is in addition to our regular ICS regional seminars, online webinars and other CME events. We hope that you will be able to join your colleagues along with the ICS Board and staff in October for the Chicago National Convention where you can receive up-to-date pertinent information about practicing in Illinois, A Legal Life Preserver, provided by the ICS General Counsel as well as other top of the line CME.
The Department of Governmental Relations has also been hard at work over the last two months monitoring legislation that has been sent to Governor Quinn for his approval or veto. Most recently, the Governor signed an ICS backed piece of legislation extending the Health Carrier External Review Act to include patients of chiropractic as well as their chiropractic physicians. We have also been monitoring the latest Fee Splitting legislation, which is sitting on the Governors desk; to read more about the Fee Splitting bill, please read “Recent Changes to the Fee Splitting Law” by ICS General Counsel Adrienne Hersh in this issue of the Journal.
In addition to our legislative efforts, the ICS has also been hard at work in other areas of Governmental Relations and advocacy. The Illinois Chiropractic Society has coordinated our efforts with the American Chiropractic Association and other organizations to recognize October as Chiropractic Health Month all around the United States. If you turn to the center of this copy of the Journal you will find a copy of a Proclamation which was signed by Governor Quinn, declaring October 2010 Chiropractic Health Care Month in Illinois. As you can see, the Governor has affirmed his support of chiropractic physicians and the care they provide their patients with this enthusiastic and powerfully worded document.
The ICS encourages all chiropractic physicians in Illinois to prominently display this proclamation in your practice and share it with your patients. Regardless of your party identification or affiliation, you should take pride in your vocation and these words of appreciation for the profession. If you would like to learn other ways in which you can help recognize October as Chiropractic Health Care month please visit the American Chiropractic Association website at http://www.acatoday.org/NCHM/ for a list of events, press releases and a tool kit for physicians.
Some of you may think that we would be content with these latest developments; however, the Illinois Chiropractic Society does not limit our advocacy efforts to statewide issues only. Most recently the ICS has launched an initiative to aid chiropractic physicians who wish to work for the health and safety of their communities by serving on their County Board of Health. We are working to help connect doctors interested in volunteering on their local County Board of Health by providing them with contact information for their local officials as well as recommendations for beginning the application process.
Unfortunately, it may be difficult to identify if there are any vacancies on your board of health at the time of your application. However, we still feel that this is an important first step in reaching out to your County leaders and representing the profession in your community. Doctors who are interested and motivated to participate on their County Board of Health will need to submit a cover letter of interest and a detailed resume or vita to their local County Board. The ICS suggests that you make a point of highlighting your education, large scope of practice and philosophy on health and well being as a chiropractic physician licensed in Illinois. If you would like to learn more about this initiative please visit the ICS website or contact our office for further details.
I hope you can see and appreciate the great efforts that the ICS Board and staff have been going through to advance and improve the profession here in Illinois. We need chiropractic physicians in Illinois to come together now, more than ever. If you would like to know more about what the ICS is doing for you, please contact our offices by phone or email or visit our website at www.ILChiro.org. Now is the perfect time to connect with your colleagues and unite together at the Chicago National Convention and see for yourself what the ICS is doing for you!