TAKE ACTION NOW! Help STOP Massive Medicare Cuts

What is the issue?
The Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) issued a proposed rule that would make changes for Medicare payments under the Physician Fee Schedule (PFS) for 2021. When making changes, HHS is required to achieve budget neutrality which means for any increase there must be a decrease elsewhere. Therefore, under this rule, some codes received increases and others were significantly reduced.
The proposed fee schedule significantly reduces the fee for the codes for spinal manipulation, the only service covered by Medicare for chiropractic physicians.
More information can be found about the rule here.
Why is this important?
- This proposed fee schedule results in a 19.54% cut to chiropractic physicians.
- Drastic cuts are difficult during a normal time, let alone during a pandemic.
- The fee schedule that has been proposed attempts to reach budget neutrality by allowing some providers increases while other providers take pay cuts.
- Drastic cuts often result in greater barriers to patients accessing chiropractic care because ultimately the patient ends up paying more out of pocket costs.
- Medicare patients need more access to chiropractic care and NOT more barriers to care.
- These changes will most likely negatively impact other insurer fee schedules.
We want you to email our Senators and your Congressperson today, and we are making it easy.
We have built a template for you and within a couple of clicks you will be able to email your Congressperson and ask them to STOP Massive Medicare cuts. ACT NOW by simply click here. (Simple, easy and short process!)
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