Network With Your Colleagues This Fall!
Registration is now open for the ICS Fall Convention in Naperville, IL from September 30, 2022, through October 2, 2022. Watch the video to learn more, and register today!
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2022 ICS Chicagoland Fall Convention
We’re incredibly excited to announce that registration is now open for the ICS Fall Convention up in Naperville. You can check out the full lineup and everything that’s going on at icsfallconvention.com. That’s where you can also jump to the registration process. Super easy and simple, but icsfallconvention.com. It is September 30 through October 2, it’s an incredible lineup of speakers, 17 hours of CME, and the facility is fantastic. It’s NIU Naperville, it’s their conference center and campus there, with tiered seating for the classrooms and comfortable seats. Additionally, there are locations all over the facility to be able to sit down and network with your colleagues that you haven’t had the opportunity to see over the last three years.
You can find out what’s best practices, what are they seeing in their practice, what is working well for them and what can you do to maybe to improve it’s those hallway conversations are phenomenal and fantastic and help build our practices and become better leaders as we move on. It’s going to be a great exhibit hall and you’ll want to visit the vendors that have the latest products that you may not have been able to see over the last several years because we haven’t been able to get together and you haven’t been able to talk to them in person. I strongly encourage you to check that out. Tons of opportunities throughout this weekend. The education is going to be fantastic 17 CME hours available.
We’re bringing in Dr. Alicia Yocum, Dr. Mario Fucinari, and of course, Dr. Yocum is going to be covering many things radiology and Dr. Future and he’s going to be covering several different topics, in fact for different courses on risk management. Dr. Ducat is going to be doing a phenomenal presentation on efficiencies and profitability in your practice. You don’t want to miss that on Friday evening, Dr. Bart Greene is going to be joining us as well as Dr. Hefner to talk about the McKenzie method. Dr. Rennaker and Hammer are both going to be talking about functional medicine on Saturday and on Sunday. Other speakers are going to be there to deliver phenomenal content. Again, it’s going to be a great weekend that you don’t want to miss. Make sure you visit today – icsfallconvention.com. That’s icsfallconvention.com. Get signed up, get registered. We truly look forward to seeing you in person September 30th through October 2nd up in Naperville. We will catch you then.