Make a Commitment to Chiropractic

I recently read an article by Sir Richard Branson, founder of Virgin Group. For his 65th birthday, he announced that he would take on 65 challenges throughout the coming year. After compiling a list of his favorite 66 (adding one for good measure), he completed them and wrote a blog post to accompany each one. (https://www.virgin.com/richard-branson/65-challenges-for-my-65th-year) One of the challenges was to give more money to charity than he believed he should. This particular challenge intrigued me since Richard Branson is as famous for his philanthropy as he is for the many businesses he has founded. In his blog post, he recaps why giving back is so important and why he and his wife feel so strongly about it that they made a public commitment in 2013 to donate the majority of their wealth to good causes and philanthropy.
His message resonates with me as a business owner. In fact, he talks about how giving back does not always mean donating money, but giving our time to worthy causes. Early in his career, there was not a lot of time or money to give, but he gave what he could. Being a chiropractor and small business owner has meant that at many times, especially when I started out in practice, I did not feel like I had a lot of time and certainly not a lot of money. It takes years to get a new business off the ground, and often we see our patients more than we see our families. It is important, however, that we find ways to support this profession wherever we are in our journey.
When I started ChiroHealthUSA, I made a commitment to continue supporting the profession beyond what I had done in my own state. Over the years, ChiroHealthUSA has donated over $875,000 to state and national chiropractic organizations, and, last week, at the National Convention in Orlando, Florida we awarded the first annual ChiroHealthUSA Foxworth Family Scholarship. Chiropractic student Amber Horsley received the $10,000 scholarship, and her school, Texas Chiropractic College, received a $10,000 donation. I still find ways to give time and money; however, the contributions of ChiroHealthUSA are not just my own. They are those of the 3,000 doctors, their staffs and our team who are part of our network.
When patients enroll in ChiroHealthUSA at participating providers’ offices, they are helping to support state and national chiropractic organizations, research and a scholarship for the future of this profession. I challenge you to find ways to support organizations that are working hard today for your tomorrow. Make it a priority to work with companies that are finding ways to support your profession, and when you have more time and money, make sure that you are giving back to the profession that has given so much to you. I can tell you that it has always blessed me in more ways than I can count.
The Foundation for Chiropractic Progress http://www.f4cp.com/
The Council on Chiropractic Guidelines and Practice Parameters http://clinicalcompass.org/
The Congress of Chiropractic State Associations http://cocsa.org/
The American Chiropractic Association http://www.acatoday.org/
The International Chiropractors Association http://www.chiropractic.org/
The World Federation of Chiropractic https://www.wfc.org/website/
Dr. Ray Foxworth is a certified Medical Compliance Specialist and President of ChiroHealthUSA. A practicing Chiropractor, he remains “in the trenches” facing challenges with billing, coding, documentation, and compliance. He has served as president of the Mississippi Chiropractic Association, former Staff Chiropractor at the G.V. Sonny Montgomery VA Medical Center and is a Fellow of the International College of Chiropractic. You can contact Dr. Foxworth at 1-888-719-9990, info@chirohealthusa.com or visit the ChiroHealthUSA website at www.chirohealthusa.com.