
When trying to come up with our membership pitch, the staff brainstormed several factors to try and boil it down to a single thought. We left that night with a concept of #YouAreNotAlone and felt that it was headed in the right direction. Coming back in the next morning, Marc announced that he had put in several hours late that night, and went ahead and launched our new membership campaign based on our discussions: “#StrongerTogether, don’t go it alone.”
After we launched this campaign that is specifically geared towards reminding our doctors that we are better when we work together, we remembered that the slogan is being used by one of the candidates for the presidency.
Yes, we joked that for balance that we should add #MakeChiropracticGreatAgain counter-slogans, but #StrongerTogether continued to resonate. Even though our new campaign was a hashtag being used by one of the two major political candidates in the middle of a bitter election season, it is also an honest and organic summation of why the ICS is here. Coincidently, the message has also been used by the Miami Dolphins, food co-ops, and countless peer support groups. Why? Because it rings true in almost all aspects of our lives.
Over the last several years, the ICS has changed its strategies at the Statehouse to one of cooperation instead of competition. By reaching out and fostering relationships with the other provider groups in Springfield, we could unite based on our overwhelmingly aligned goals of improving health care in Illinois rather than divide because of the differences in approach. We worked with the Medical Society when we had to adjust the chiropractic scope. We sat down with the physical therapists to compare notes on co-payment reform. And when we tackled massive insurance issues, we didn’t go at it alone, we gathered the support of the medical doctors, hospitals, OB-GYNs, podiatrists, dentists, massage therapists, physical therapists, nurses, mental health care providers, dermatologists, and many, many more.
But the #StrongerTogether mindset expands well beyond building coalitions in Springfield. When we tell our doctors that they should join their State and Federal associations, we practice what we preach. The ICS strongly believes in the power of membership and associations. Sharing experiences with others in similar circumstances allows for the introduction of fresh ideas and reduces the duplication of work. Also, it allows for more focused, coordination of efforts for the greater good. The ICS Staff relies on many associations ourselves in a variety of areas, and we invest in each of these:
- Illinois Society of Association Executives (association management)
- American Society of Association Executives (association management)
- Congress of Chiropractic State Associations (coordinate efforts and share solutions)
- American Chiropractic Society (chiropractic federal focus)
- Illinois State Bar Association Health Care Section (Illinois health care law)
- Illinois Association of Healthcare Attorneys (Illinois health care law)
- National Association of Chiropractic Attorneys (chiropractic law) Illinois
- Third House (Illinois lobbying community) Business Industry
- Federation of Economic Concern (Illinois business lobbyists)
When Marc or I speak to chiropractic college students, our message is always the same: “Get involved!” Get involved in your community: the local Chamber, Kiwanis, youth clubs. The best marketing anyone can do for their practice is to simply be known. Some students will tell us: “I don’t think I’m going to be practicing in Illinois…” to which we respond: “That’s fine! Where ever you go there will be a community of people working together to better themselves and their profession. When you pick your state, join your state association!” Because you are not alone, and we are all always #StrongerTogether.