Looking for Specific Forms for Your Office? Look Here
Discover a wealth of forms and templates for Illinois Chiropractic Society members, from ERISA appeals to HIPAA compliance. Simplify practice management with resources for scope of practice, opioid epidemic response, and more.
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We received a phone call earlier today asking a question about a particular form and if we had one available. And the answer is to almost all of those questions, the answer is yes. In fact, I would encourage you all to go out and check out our lengthy list of forms and templates that we have available for ICS members. You can jump out to Ilchiro.org/forms. That’s Ilchiro.org/forms we will include that link down below as well. I want you to know that we have a lengthy list of forms that can help you and templates that you can actually employ in your practice because you are a member of the Illinois Chiropractic Society.
There are a number of different things. There are some forms around ERISA and appealing appropriately ERISA claims. There are things as simple as the Medicare Advanced Beneficiary Notice the ABN form if you will, and there are templates for notice of non-covered services. So if you need a patient to sign a form that covers you, with the insurance carrier requirements that you may have, there are plenty of those things out there as well. Maybe you need some consent, if you need some informed consent for parents and other relatives, those are available. Hardship waivers or hardship policies, financial policies for your practice, to ensure that you have all of your bases covered in that realm with your patients. Those templates and forms are also available, encourage you to check that out.
If you’re running into some challenges, maybe you’ve been questioned as to whether or not something is within your scope of practice. Interestingly, we have some scope of practice letters that are specifically designed to be able to empower you to address those issues head-on when they’re brought up in your practice or if somebody’s reached out to you. Additionally, we have some patient resources. We have an opioid epidemic toolkit that is available for you and we would encourage you to take a look at that as well. Our Chiropractic Health Care Month toolkit and, many other areas. Maybe you need some forms for HIPAA, those are also out there some templates available in that regard. There are also some HR forms out there that you may be able to use in your practice, along with all of the forms necessary for you to provide proper good faith estimates in your practice.
Additionally, there are several other forms surrounding possibly OSHA and OIG. Maybe you need something as simple as just to by hand track your CME. Of course, all of that can be tracked online through your portal with the Illinois Chiropractic Society. But if you want to do it quickly and in hand or if you want to do some things in hand and add them to the system later, we have some forums available for you to help you get that done. We’d encourage you again, to check out the forms and templates. It’s an invaluable resource to Illinois Chiropractic Society members. Hopefully, this helps you out and we’ll catch you next week.