ICS PAC Thanks These Doctors for Their Support of the ILChiro PAC

The ICS is excited to announce that this year’s ILChiro PAC raffle was one of the largest for donations raised in a year! We are on pace to raise over $17,000 this year!! We would like to thank all the chiropractic physicians that have donated to the ILChiro PAC. Without your continued support of the ILChiro PAC, we would not be able to continue to do what we do. Your contributions make our efforts possible.
The ILChiro PAC promotes and defends chiropractic in Illinois throughout the legislative session. We are grateful to those legislators who have supported chiropractic and want to show them our gratitude. These funds help us to show our gratitude to the legislators that support chiropractic.
Chiropractic physicians can continue to donate to the ILChiro PAC throughout the year. Your generosity and support is accepted at any time of the year.
Below we have recognized our generous donors and raffle prize winners from this past year.
Raffle Winners
We would like to announce the winners of the various prizes that were awarded during our raffle.
50 Inch 4K TV: Dr. Jack Sharatt
Apple iWatch: Dr. Timothy Erickson
$200 Amazon Gift card: Dr. Jason Godo
Framed Governor’s Proclamation: Dr. Kristen White
Framed Governor’s Proclamation: Dr. Stephen Sikorsky
2018 ICS Convention Registration: Dr. John Panopoulos
The Chiropractic Protégé Book: Dr. Erin Ducat
The Chiropractic Protégé Book: Dr. John Hancock
Crusader ($1200 Donor Level)
Dr. Lea Cornish
Dr. Erin Ducat
Dr. Marc Strongin
Champion ($600 Donor Level)
Dr. Matthew Chenault
Dr. Richard Everett and Dr. Barbara Swalve Everett
Dr. John Hancock
Dr. Thomas Koehler
Dr. Douglas Matzner
Dr. Jack Sharratt
Advocate ($360 Donor Level)
Dr. Timothy Bertelsman
Dr. Julie Bird and Dr. Brian Bird
Dr. Scott Fladland and Dr. Clare Ollayos
Dr. Jason Godo
Dr. Clint Jackson
Dr. Thomas Jensen
Dr. Suzanne Kistner-Davis
Dr. Vijay Patel
Dr. Edwin Patrick
Dr. Stephen Sikorsky
Dr. Dianna Welty
Dr. Mark Wiegand
Ally ($204 Donor Level)
Dr. Timothy Erickson
Dr. Janet Horton
Dr. Mary Huffman
Dr. David Johnson
Dr. Kevin Moore
Dr. Joann Maruszak
Dr. Ryan Rosenthal
Dr. David Weber