ICS: Much More than Just CME

Thank you for being a member of the Illinois Chiropractic Society. The ICS exists for the express purpose of serving the needs of the chiropractic community. But do you know all of the services the ICS can provide for you?
Of course, the ICS offers the highest quality and most affordable Continuing Medical Education – all distance learning (webinars and on-demand) CMEs are free of charge with your paid dues! This includes all of the 150 required hours, both formal and informal – plus the state mandatory training sessions for sexual harassment prevention training, child abuse mandate reporter training, implicit bias awareness training, and training on Alzheimers and other dementias. But the ICS offers so much more to its members.
Information is at your fingertips on most any issue that impacts your chiropractic practice. Hundreds of articles are available at Ilchiro.org that concisely and comprehensively explain the myriad of issues chiropractic physicians face every day. Simply go to the search box on the homepage and type in your issue, i.e. “license renewal”. For example, with the quirkiness of the IDFPR website for this year’s license renewal process, dozens of ICS members have accessed the step-by-step license renewal instructions contained in a video on our website. The same can be said for information on health care liens, the federal Cures and No Surprises Acts, bill coding, and other employer practices.
Are you looking for a specific form or a template to create a document? There are dozens available on the ICS website. The subjects of the documents are wide-ranging from insurance, consent, and financial forms to patient resources, HIPAA, and human resources. Simply find your form, download it, and populate it. Again, this resource is explicitly available to ICS members at no additional charge.
If there is ever a question you cannot find the answer to, just call. The ICS staff is always on hand to provide assistance with your problems.
Compliance with federal and state requirements is always on the minds of ICS members, and often it seems that these standards are a moving target. For the latest information on compliance issues, make sure to check with your society. Information is available to guide you through not only the requirements specific to your healthcare practice, but for those that impact you as an employer and business owner, such as employee leave requirements, minimum wage requirements, health and safety requirements, and taxation issues.
As you know, many factors outside of your local community and business environment can impact your healthcare practice. Changing societal norms, state and federal legislation and regulations, and changes in medical and insurance industry standards all have an effect. The ICS has taken proactive approaches in these areas to better serve chiropractic physicians in Illinois. The ICS advocacy efforts, being active in the legislative arena at both the state and federal levels, has benefited ICS members greatly. We have been able to stop or lessen burdensome new requirements, cut through state agency red tape to help ICS members, and we are creating a plan for the future of chiropractic. Just this year the ICS passed legislation to make chiropractic physicians eligible for student loan forgiveness and scholarship programs, and we are pushing for legislation in the United States Congress to allow Medicare to cover the broad scope of chiropractic treatments.
The ICS Board of Directors has established a Strategic Planning Task Force that is planning for the future of chiropractic in Illinois and across the country. Committee members, who are your colleagues and fellow DCs, work monthly in four general areas: Member Value, Strong Advocacy Voice, Practice Vitality, and Visionary Leadership. The ICS is also part of a nationwide group of chiropractic physicians advancing the Chiropractic Future Strategic Plan. The Illinois Chiropractic Society is dedicated to assisting in the implementation of the Chiropractic Future Strategic Plan, as the plan is bold and incredibly important to the advancement of the profession.
All of these vital activities have been entered into for the betterment of the chiropractic profession, to enhance the healthcare practices of chiropractic physicians, and are included as part of your annual association dues.
Please take advantage of all the ICS offers, and inform your colleagues of the benefits of joining the ICS.