ICS Announces 2020 Chiropractic Physician of the Year
Each year, the Illinois Chiropractic Society names an Illinois’ chiropractic physician “Chiropractic Physician of the Year.” Nominations for this prestigious award come from ICS members and their staff. Recipients of the Chiropractic Physician of the Year award are physicians who “go above and beyond” for their local community and the chiropractic profession.
After careful consideration, the Illinois Chiropractic Society is proud to announce that Dr. Cindy Howard is the 2020 Chiropractic Physician of the Year. Dr. Howards tireless efforts for the profession have been invaluable over the years. She has served and continues to serve as the Illinois Delegate to the American Chiropractic Association’s House of Delegates and provides important representation for our doctors at the national level.
In addition to her national level of service, Dr. Howard has assisted the ICS and Illinois chiropractic physicians with her leadership here, as well as her efforts on Capitol Hill discussing Illinois issues with our Illinois elected officials.
It is for these reasons and many more that Dr. Cindy Howard is the ICS 2020 Chiropractic Physician of the Year.