Help Your Patients Understand Their Health Insurance
The ICS with the Chiropractic Future Strategic Plan provide printable flyers to help your patients address insurance challenges like prior authorizations, high co-pays, and restrictive payment models. These resources outline their impact, offer solutions, and equip patients with key talking points.
Links for today:
Flyer Article
Co-payment Flyer
Prior Authorization Flyer
Payment Model Flyer
We hear from our members on a regular basis about the challenges that they have in communicating with their patients and the way that poor procedures and policies from insurance carriers can negatively impact a patient’s care. So we, the Illinois Chiropractic Society, along with the Chiropractic Future Strategic Plan, have developed three different flyers. There will be more coming in the future, but three different flyers to help you communicate with your patients on some of these policies.
Now, these flyers are double-sided. They’re made to print in your practice, so they’re readily, readily available to you, and you can lay those out and hand those to your patients who are impacted by those specific policies. The three different areas are prior authorizations, high co-payments, and payment models such as per diem policies. Each one of those lays out exactly how they negatively impact the patient’s care and what the patient can do about them, and then also gives them talking points, and it’s all designed and carefully crafted to be able to communicate these things to your patients.
So what do they look like? Well, let me just show you. I’m going to pull them up really quick, and you can see how each one of them are designed, if you will, the way these are put together on the front, very brief explanation, along with three ways that the policies negatively impact their care, so on this one prior authorization, and don’t let it delay your care. And then the next one, or on the flip side of that, you’ll see how they can take control, what they can do specifically to deal with prior authorizations, and then key talking points when they speak with their health insurance administrator. Now, each one is designed in the same way, of course, and carefully crafted for those particular situations. So insurance payment models, right? How they impact them, how they take control, and what they can say about them. And then high co pays again, designed exactly the same way. Each one is designed again to help you make these communications.
So we’d encourage you to print these out. We’ll include links down below and also give you a link to the article when we announced it last week, and give you a full breadth of information about how these can be utilized. We encourage you to begin to use these in your practice. Print them. Use them and help your patients begin to understand their health insurance better. Hopefully this will help you out, and we’re going to have we’re going to continue to have more exciting announcements soon.