Daily Herald / Washington Post Story Alert

We want to alert you to an article on neck manipulation and stroke originally published in the Washington Post and now reprinted in a local newspaper based in Arlington Heights, IL, The Daily Herald. The article may be found here.
The ICS has responded with a letter to the editor citing a study that concluded chiropractic poses no greater risk of stroke than traditional, primary medical treatment. We have requested that the letter be published to provide a balanced perspective. We encourage our members to submit respectful comments to the article, providing accurate information regarding the issue of chiropractic and cervical manipulation.
As a result of the Herald article, there may be additional coverage of the purported risk of stroke from neck manipulation in local media. Some patients may come into your clinic concerned about having their neck adjusted. The American Chiropractic Association (ACA) has a number of resources available for doctors online here.
The ICS website contains additional information on informed consent, which can be found here. The ICS supports and encourages chiropractic physicians to help patients understand the risks and benefits of any proposed course of treatment and thereby facilitate shared decision-making.
Dealing with the Media
If you are contacted by a media organization regarding chiropractic and the purported risk of stroke or regarding the issue of informed consent, the ICS is willing to assist in any way possible. The ICS staff works closely with the ACA on issues of this magnitude, and we will put you in contact with public relations staff that is well prepared to answer questions regarding the risk of serious injury following cervical manipulation or the practice of informed consent. Please contact us at www.ilchiro.org/ or 217-525-1200.