CME – Halfway to the Deadline

As many of you are aware, license renewal is quickly approaching.
Do you have enough Continuing Medical Education (CME) hours?
Here is a small set of Frequently Asked Questions regarding the CME requirement in Illinois to maintain your licensure:
How many CME hours do I need to have?
Doctors are required to obtain a total of 150 hours each license period. This total breaks down into two different categories of hours. The Category I (formal) requirement is 60 hours and requires signed documentation from the approving entity, and the Category II (informal) requirement is 90 hours and requires a physician-maintained log outlining the hours obtained. ICS Members can find CME tracking logs here:
CME Tracking Forms Cat I
CME Tracking Forms Cat II
For additional information on the breakdown of hours view ICS General Counsel’s article Everything You Need to Know About
Continuing Medical Education.
How can I obtain that many hours?
The Illinois Chiropractic Society is continually providing quality education around the state with regional seminars, the Heartland Symposium and the Chicago National Convention and Expo.
The ICS provides FREE education opportunities directly to our member’s offices via webinar and On-Demand education. Currently, there are over 120 On-Demand CME hours available! Start or continue gaining hours here.
How do I report my hours to the Department of Financial and Professional Regulation?
When renewing your license in 2020, you will be required to attest that you have obtained all 150 required CME hours.
Why do only chiropractic physicians have a CME requirement?
MDs, DOs, and DCs share the same Continuing Medical Education requirements. In fact, CME is critical to continuing a practice in today’s world. New research, concepts, techniques and laws are always surfacing. Eric Hoffer once said, “In times of change, learners will inherit the earth, while the learned will find themselves beautifully equipped to deal with a world that no longer exists.” Are you prepared?