BCBSIL Modifier Denial Update

The Illinois Chiropractic Society is continuing efforts to resolve with BCBSIL the problematic claims processing protocol implemented in November 2017. Many of our doctors continue to receive denials when billing services that require a billing modifier (primarily 25, 59, XS, and XU).
Last week, the ICS leadership team took the step of retaining outside legal counsel who are in the investigative phase of pursuing legal action against BlueCross BlueShield of Illinois.
In order to further our efforts to gather information for our attorneys, we are asking all chiropractic physicians in Illinois to participate in the survey that we initiated a few weeks ago. If you have not previously taken the survey, please complete the survey today: www.ilchiro.org//modifierdenials.
In addition to this legal avenue, we are continuing our efforts with other organizations and other approaches to resolution. What can you do to help our efforts? 1) Take the survey, if you have not already; 2) Join the Illinois Chiropractic Society today – www.ilchiro.org//join.