Author: Ray Foxworth, DC, FICC, MCS-P

Don’t Let High Deductibles and Co-Pays Create Chaos in Your Practice

More and more providers are feeling the effects of high deductible health plans when it comes to reimbursement and patient collections. Although the Affordable Care Act has lowered uninsured rates in the U.S. from 15.7% in 2009 to 9.1% in 2015[1], the number of patients delaying needed healthcare continues to rise as more of the cost-sharing has shifted from government and third-party payers back to the patient.

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Maintaining a Compliant Practice During a Natural Disaster

With the recent wildfires in the Northwest U.S. and the destruction left by hurricanes Harvey Irma and Maria, providers are left wondering how to maintain a compliant office while facing the wrath of Mother Nature. Every office should have a contingency plan to go into effect in the event of a natural disaster. Here are a few things you can do to stay safe and compliant in the face of catastrophe.

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Chiropractic’s Unique Role in the Opioid Epidemic

While scanning my news feed this morning, a few alarming words caught my eye: “Opioids could kill nearly as many Americans in a decade as HIV/AIDS has killed since the epidemic began in the early 1980s.” Across America, people are talking about chiropractic as a safer alternative to opioid medication for pain relief, and, yet, I don’t think the magnitude of this opportunity has been realized by most doctors of chiropractic in this country.

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Creating Exceptional Patient Experiences

Fear of the unknown is a marketing problem in the profession. Patients who are living with chronic back and neck pain or plagued by migraines have such anxiety when it comes to the very thought of having their spines and necks “popped” that they will live a life of discomfort before entering our offices. As a profession, we need to be proactive in creating a calm and relaxing atmosphere.

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The Difficulty with High-Deductibles

To keep premiums affordable, more families, like my close friends, have transitioned to high deductible insurance. In fact, the number of families that opted for high-deductible plans rose from 20% in 2014 to 29% in 2016, with deductibles so high that, short of having an appendectomy in 2017, it is unlikely they will meet their deductible this year. The average actual charges for a routine office visit billed in chiropractic offices across the country can be around $106. It is easy to understand why many patients never return after the initial visit or report-of-findings.

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Preparing for an Audit – The Time Is Now

Chiropractors across the country have been opening up their mailboxes to find audit letter(s) from Medicare. Although consultants have preached an increase in audits within the profession for years, many chiropractors were shocked to be the recipient of such a letter. You may be wondering why so many are being audited and what to do if you receive an audit letter at your office.

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