Author: ICS Staff

Work Comp Update 2011

Work Comp Update 2011

Today (September 1, 2011) many parts of the new Workers’ Compensation Act take effect and the ICS wants to ensure you know what changes occur, and what steps you need to take. Already our office has received phone calls from doctors with stories of employers claiming chiropractic ineligibility. So first, I would print out an updated Workers’ Compensation Handbook to distribute to your patients and for your own records:

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Posture is affected by the body’s response to the position of the head as it relates to the center of gravity. Posture defines the interrelationship between muscle and skeletal tissue.

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A Breath of Fresh Air

A Breath of Fresh Air

For years many chiropractic physicians in the state have been utilizing oxygen therapies within their offices. In fact, the FDA has approved hyperbaric oxygen therapy to treat more than a dozen health problems. Although this was previously believed to be within the chiropractic scope of practice by the Department of Professional Regulation and the Illinois Chiropractic Society, an FDA opinion was recently brought to light classifying “any inhaled oxygen” as a prescription drug. This resulted in over 30 chiropractic physicians in Illinois to be brought before the disciplinary board last year for treatments that were previously believed to be within scope.

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National Health Reform Moves Forward Despite Court Rulings

National Health Reform Moves Forward Despite Court Rulings

Despite a series of federal court rulings regarding the recently enacted national health reform law (The Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act, or PPACA), the latest of which declared the law “unconstitutional,” the implementation of the far-reaching statute continues to move forward in keeping with the timeline established by the new law — the various court rulings having no impact on this process thus far. Since the enactment of the law in early 2010, four separate U.S. District Court judges in different localities have ruled on the constitutionality of the bill. Two of the court rulings upheld its constitutionality.

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Common Fund Doctrine

Common Fund Doctrine

In a written opinion just released, the Illinois Supreme Court has ruled that attorneys who recover money for injured parties may not deduct legal fees from health care providers.

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