Author: Douglas Gregerson, DC, DACBR

MRI Basics

The physics of MRI image generation is a fairly complex subject. Nevertheless, it is useful to have a rough knowledge of how an image is generated, if for no other reason than to be able to confidently explain it to our patients if they happen to raise the issue. Even so, they may not be able to understand it, but if we are confident in our explanation, the patient will be confident in us as well.

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Why do we Take X-Rays?

If you asked 10 doctors, you might get 10 different answers. One answer might actually be “I don’t take x-rays.” I have worked with many DCs and have found a widely varying view on the indications for an x-ray. It ranges from some doctors who insist on x-raying every patient, to some who x-ray no one. In fact, some almost hold in disdain those that do x-ray their patients.

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