A Life of Service

It is no secret that serving as the Foxworth Family Scholarship Administrator is my favorite job. It is not just managing and awarding the scholarship each year; it is getting to know each recipient. Inspired by the Chiropractic Future Strategic Plan and looking into the future of our profession, our goal was to identify a student who demonstrated leadership in both their personal and academic lives. But it is also someone who would demonstrate that leadership within the profession in the future. This year at the FCA National Convention in Orlando, Florida, I had the pleasure of announcing the 7th recipient of the scholarship.
Dustin Biggerstaff is our oldest recipient at almost 35 years old. A student at Life University, he is a nine-year Amphibious Reconnaissance veteran medically retired from the United States Marine Corps. “My military career was cut short due to multiple traumatic injuries and being medically retired, but I continued to have the burning desire to be of service,” stated Dustin. He also told me that he had initially looked into a public service career as a police officer or firefighter, but neither were options due to his injuries. However, visiting his chiropractor helped him realize that he could still serve his community as a Doctor of Chiropractic instead of a first responder. As a result, Dustin has a strong interest in pediatric and sports chiropractic and a strong desire to provide chiropractic services to active and reserve service members, veterans, and their families. “I have seen fellow service members and veterans who have been able to stop taking pain medications because that is the only option they had before chiropractic was introduced into their lives. I am grateful for my first adjustment while on active duty. It started me on this path and has helped shape the goals of my future practice.”
He is not just a chiropractic student. While exploring career options that would allow him to serve his community, he became involved with Semper Fi & America’s Fund, which provides financial and medical help and transportation for veterans injured while serving in combat or peacetime. “During my transition from active duty to medically retired, I was fortunately introduced to the Semper Fi & America’s Fund (SF&AF). I immediately fell in love with the mission, how they assist the veterans and their families, and that they TRULY make an impact.” Dustin has raised about $15,000 for the nonprofit over the past two years by participating in triathlons, marathons, and other long-distance athletic events and getting donors to sponsor him by the mile or event.
Dustin was one of 12 applicants with a perfect score. The selection process involves over 20 leaders within the chiropractic profession, with the final decision made by a member of the Foxworth family. Most of what I learned about Dustin I learned while attending the FCA National Convention. Our goal was to find a future leader in our profession, and we did. He is proud of his military service and honored to join the chiropractic profession, but his most significant accomplishment is his family. He lights up when talking about his wife and children. My favorite quote from his application is, “I want nothing more in my life than to set the right example for my children and be someone they want to emulate.” Congratulations, Dustin, on becoming this year’s CHUSA scholar; we are excited to watch your career unfold and see your impact on the profession’s future.
The Foxworth Family Scholarship would like to thank the many organizations that helped in the evaluation process of this year’s applicants. Four-hundred applications were narrowed down to 12 finalists thanks to the help of the American Black Chiropractic Association, American Chiropractic Association, ChiroCongress, Chiropractic Summit, Clinical Compass, Council on Chiropractic Education, Federation of Chiropractic Licensing Boards, International Chiropractic Association, National Board of Chiropractic Examiners, One Chiropractic, the Foundation for Chiropractic Progress, Chiropractic Future Strategic Plan, and Women Chiropractors. Students interested in applying for the 2023 scholarship may apply at www.chusascholar.com