Mandates Continue for Chiropractic Practices

Recently the Governor’s office issued an updated Executive Order regarding the testing requirement in health care settings. In short, the testing requirement is still in place for medical facilities including chiropractic practices. Watch the video to learn more!

Referenced Links:

Executive Order 2022-16
Current Mask and Screening Requirement Information



Many of you have seen stories today new stories regarding an announcement that Governor Pritzker made modifications to the vaccine requirements, or the testing requirement portion of COVID-19, and a lot of the COVID executive orders. The first thing I want to tell you is, the order does not change any requirements for chiropractic physician or physician or dentist office. All of the healthcare offices that are standalone facilities like the vast majority of our doctors, those requirements have not changed, and has still, you know, still revert back to the previous extension that went from June through July 24.

What did change were a couple of different key things. One was some of the requirements surrounding higher education. And that was eliminated. The second piece dealt with very specific portions of the executive order and the definition of who it applied to. It changed things for emergency services, so your ambulance and things along those lines. And for very specific Medicare-certified facilities, and from what we’re hearing that was to align with much of the federal regulations surrounding those particular types of entities and so certain nursing homes in certain conditions have shifts. The same thing with health care facilities that are certified. And by by Center for Medicaid and Medicare Services. Those certification facilities, which is not us, in certain circumstances, had modifications. However, the rest of those defined under the original executive order from last year that remains in place, and no changes were made.

So you will still need to make sure that everyone is wearing masks in your practice as well as know that the testing requirements still exists. The weekly testing still exists and is required for those who are unvaccinated and healthcare workers that are unvaccinated. We hope this information helps you out and gives you the latest information as it directly impacts your practice. And we’ll catch you next week.

About Author

Marc Abla, CAE

Marc Abla began working at the Illinois Chiropractic Society in 2002 and became the Executive Director in 2008. He brings his extensive financial, administrative and association experience to the ICS. He is a Certified Association Executive and a graduate of the Certified Leadership Series through the Illinois Society of Association Executives. Additionally, he is a member of the Illinois Society of Association Executives, the American Society of Association Executives, Association Forum, Congress of Chiropractic State Associations, and the American Chiropractic Association.

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