What Do We Do?

We are asked regularly “what can the Illinois Chiropractic Society do for me?” I would like to inform everyone of just one of the many things we do for our members. This is just one example of the countless efforts made quietly, behind the scenes by ICS leadership and staff.
Recently, an ICS member notified the ICS office that the Public Vehicle Operations Division refused to accept a physical examination form signed by a Chiropractic Physician for a Public Chauffeur application. After the ICS member challenged the division, a City of Chicago attorney responded to the doctor further denying to accept the exam on the basis that it was performed by a chiropractor.
In response, ICS General Counsel, Adrienne Hersh, responded to the City of Chicago’s attorney with a lengthy letter detailing the law and laying out the basis that chiropractors are physicians in Illinois and we are licensed under the same Medical Practice Act as Medical Doctors and Doctors of Osteopath. She also informed the City’s attorney that in addition to legal parity, we can perform medical examinations for commercial driver’s licenses under Federal and State law.
The letter went on for several pages reaffirming our status as physicians in the State of Illinois. Although, at the time of writing this article we are awaiting the response, I believe that once they realize their mistake this matter will be resolved.
This is just one example of how the ICS represents the profession and supports our members. However, there are many different subjects we constantly monitor and correct on a day to day basis. In fact, if we listed and touted everything we do, we would not have time to accomplish what needs to be done.
The Illinois Chiropractic Society does a lot with only one-third of the Illinois licensed chiropractic physicians as members. I can only dream of what we will be able to accomplish once twice as many join our growing numbers.
Now is the time for all of us to support the organization that advocates for us in countless ways every day. Join the ICS today (www.ilchiro.org//join).