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Introducing Statusfi™: Revolutionizing Healthcare Compliance for ICS Members – Access for FREE!

Introducing Statusfi™: Revolutionizing Healthcare Compliance for ICS Members – Access for FREE!

Keeping up with physician practice compliance requirements can be daunting and seemingly impossible. The Illinois Chiropractic Society staff and leadership understand the overwhelming nature of all of your compliance obligations. As a result, we have invested in our members to empower you to handle compliance in your practice.

The ICS is proud to announce that we bring you a simple tool, Statusfi™, for completing, tracking, and renewing your practice compliance.  We have contracted with design and programming experts worldwide to create an easy-to-use and visually striking dashboard that is specific to your practice.  We offer Statusfi to our members at no additional cost. There are no catches and no strings attached. You will have access to this robust compliance dashboard as long as you are a member of the ICS.


Repeat: ICS Members are subscribed to Statusfi for free.

Statusfi provides personalized compliance, helps you track hundreds of requirements, demonstrates your progress, and prompts you to renew when requirements expire. Here is how it works: When you determine you have met a compliance requirement, check its box, and Statusfi will record the completion, the date you completed that task, show you when it will expire, and remind you when you review that requirement in the future. Additionally, Statusfi breaks down the compliance requirements into small, bite-sized groupings that are manageable and not overwhelming.

Then, in real time, Statusfi™ updates your progress on small compliance groupings, larger projects, and overall practice compliance. Compliance shouldn’t be overwhelming, and Statusfi empowers ICS members to start believing full compliance is possible.

What are the Main Features of Statusfi?

Visualize Your Progress – Every individual component and category demonstrates improvement and encourages stress-free progress.

CME and Licensing – Statusfi automatically interfaces with IDFPR licensing status and ICS’ CME platform.

Overall Compliance – Watch your compliance success increase graphically and through percentage displays.

Link To Trusted Sources – Each compliance component directs providers to trusted sources that provide specific information related to each requirement and how to attain or verify compliance.

Expiration Notice – Stay ahead of the game! Statusfi warns providers when completed requirements are nearing expiration.

Major Components – Requirements are grouped in organized components for fast access and are accompanied by engaging and easy-to-read progress graphs.

What are a Few of the Compliance Areas Statusfi Addresses?


Americans with Disabilities Act

Business Entities





Policy Manual



Cyber Security

Employment Posters

Employment Practices

OIG Compliance Program

Physical Safeguards

Technical Safeguards

How Can I Find Out More and Get Started?

Video Walkthrough of Statusfi

Visit the Statusfi website at

Go straight to the dashboard at Use the same login username and password as you use to log into your ICS membership and education portal.

Don’t wait. Don’t put off your office compliance. Get started today!

Note: Statusfi™ is a proprietary application of the Illinois Chiropractic Society (ICS).  The ICS claims all rights to ownership of its name and content.  Any unauthorized use of the Statusfi name, content, or related information is strictly prohibited and is subject to the Statusfi™ Terms of Use.

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ICS Staff

The Illinois Chiropractic Society staff works collaboratively on many topics to bring the most comprehensive and relevant information to our members. We have over 60 years of chiropractic experience and understand the heartbeat of the profession. We all look forward to providing relevant information to our members for years to come.

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