ICS Member Spotlight: Dr. Andy Dykeman

The ICS offers warm congratulations to the ICS’ own “Renaissance man” — Dr. Andy Dykeman — on his 20th year of service as a chiropractic physician. Dr. Dykeman celebrated the milestone recently with patients and community at his Rosewood Chiropractic Clinic this year in East Alton, Illinois. Dr. Dykeman is not only a talented healthcare practitioner, but also a gifted musician, writer, and artist.
Born and raised in Alton Illinois, Dr. Andy Dykeman received a Bachelor of Arts in Philosophy from Southern Illinois University at Edwardsville in 1990. After graduating from SIUE, he toured the United States in a successful rock band and released numerous recordings, which he describes as “pop punk.”
In 1997, he began work at the Nashville Medical Examiner’s Office as a Forensic Technician/Pathology Assistant, completing technical aspects of postmortem examinations and assisting in forensic autopsies, while completing pre-med requirements at Belmont University in Nashville, Tennessee. Upon completion of his classes at Belmont in 2000, he moved back to the St. Louis-Alton area, where he enrolled at Logan College of Chiropractic and received a Bachelor of Science in Human Biology in 2001 and his Doctor of Chiropractic degree in 2003.
Dr. Dykeman has served in various capacities as a leader in the community and in his profession. Some of his notable humanitarian honors include his 2010 designation as a Paul Harris Fellow of Rotary International and the Logan College Learning Resource Center Outstanding Service Award (2012). Professionally, Dr. Dykeman served many years on the ICS board, including Vice President of the Illinois Chiropractic Society Board of Directors. Additionally, Dr. Dykeman served as the Alternate Delegate of Illinois for the American Chiropractic Association.
Dr. Dykeman also served on the Madison County Health Department Advisory Committee. He continues to support the chiropractic profession as an active member of the Illinois Chiropractic Society, the Missouri Chiropractic Physician Association, and the American Chiropractic Association.
Dr. Andy says he draws his artistic inspiration from his diverse career path. His paintings use materials at hand, including cardboard, found wood panels and x-ray files (de-identified, of course!) to “express his visual contemplation of our external influences” and “social, political and environmental impacts on our mental, spiritual and physical health.” His work is a unique product of his interesting life experience, both in and beyond health care. The ICS is proud to salute the talented and well-rounded Dr. Andy Dykeman on his 20th anniversary of practice!