Healthier Illinois: Increasing Chiropractic Utilization

My name is David Flatt, and I serve the Illinois Chiropractic Society as your past-President and remain on the Board of Directors. I believe that chiropractic is the best-kept secret in healthcare, and speaking for the ICS, we would like to see that change.
The Illinois Chiropractic Society is actively working on increasing the utility, role, and cultural authority of chiropractic in Illinois. We have created a public resource website called HealthierIllinois.com that we feel represents chiropractic exceptionally well.
We feel this endeavor benefits chiropractic collectively and each of us individually. We are asking that you actively promote this website to your patients on social media and within your office. The benefits include:
- Patients and healthcare decision-makers will become more aware of the numerous other diagnoses that you are extremely well qualified to treat and resolve. This leads to higher utilization and increased referrals.
- Healthier Illinois.com will educate patients not only on clinical matters but also on opportunities requiring the grassroots support of our profession- thereby ensuring that legislators and health care decision-makers hear our message.
After checking out HealthierIllinois.com for yourself, you can help by “liking” HealthierIllinois.com on Facebook and Twitter. Additionally, you may also download the linked posters for display in your office. Feel free to also share a link on your professional website. The HealthierIllinois.com project is under constant growth with additional content being added monthly. We believe that together, we are a stronger profession and society. When chiropractors see more patients, research clearly indicates that lives are enhanced and costs are reduced. Help us in sharing the secret that a “natural first” chiropractic approach is a win for everyone involved. Blessings and Respect, David W. Flatt, DC, DABCO
Poster Downloads: