EHR Mandate Deadline

When is EHR mandated?
There are incentive payments from the Federal government for using certified EHR in a meaningful way in your office. However, providers who are not utilizing certified EHR in a meaningful way by 2015 will begin to have a reduction in their payments from Medicare.
In fact, if physicians do NOT adopt EHR by:
- 2015 – reimbursements will be reduced by 1%
- 2016 – reimbursements will be reduced by 2%
- 2017 – reimbursements will be reduced by 3%
- 2018 – reimbursements will be reduced by 4% (less than75% compliance)
- 2019+ – reimbursements will be reduced by 5% (less than75% compliance)
Thus, the mandate is directly associated with your Medicare reimbursements.
Click here if you would like more information about the EHR incentive program.