Don’t Miss These Important Year-End Essentials

As the year comes to a close, we want to remind you of essential tasks to review before year-end. Check out the video for all the details!

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We hope you’re having a great week. We’re coming up to the end of the year, and there are several things we want to highlight to make sure that you don’t miss. We’ll drop some links down below for each one of these. But the first is this, don’t forget that every single year, all of your employees have to undergo employee sexual harassment prevention training. It’s not a problem because the Illinois Department of Human Rights actually has that training available at no cost to you. Again, we’ll put that link down below, but make sure all of your employees have completed the employee sexual harassment prevention training. That is important.


Another key thing that we want to highlight is this, and that’s the FinCen Beneficial Ownership Information reporting requirements that we previously told you about. The courts have preliminarily enjoined that. So right now that is not going to be a requirement at this stage until they make a final ruling, but in their preliminary injunction, they indicated that they believe that there was sufficient evidence to indicate that it was going to be ruled as unconstitutional. But when that ultimately happens, we’ll definitely inform our members. As of this stage, the reporting requirement is not a requirement right now for 2024.

Other things that you want to make sure that you watch out for. You want to make sure that you watch and review your employee compensation. Don’t forget 2025 January 1, the minimum wage in Illinois goes up to $15 an hour, so make sure that all of your staff compensation meets that minimum wage requirement. Lastly, we want to remind you of this, because 2024 is the first year for the paid time off, or the Illinois-required paid leave, we want to make sure that you have the appropriate setup for carry-forward hours. So if you are not pre-loading all of the hours for your employees to be able to take their full 40 hours at the beginning of the year if they are accruing it over time in the year, then they also have the ability, the law mandates that they are able then to carry forward those hours into the new year, but it does also say that you’re never required to allow them to take more than 40 hours unless your current policy does indicate that, or your policy indicates that they can, you know, exceed the state minimum requirements for paid leave.

So we just want to touch base on that. Don’t forget employee sexual harassment prevention training, the new minimum wage at the beginning of the year, and the PTO requirements for carry forward. You want to make sure that all of that’s taken care of. Also, you want to make sure if you’re going to change your participation status with Medicare. Get that done before the end of the year. Make sure you go through exclusion checks with all of your employees. Although OIG really recommends that to be done more often. We remind our doctors every single year that that you really want to get that done you don’t want to set that aside. Make sure that all of your posters are updated as well. Hopefully, this information catches you up on a lot of the happenings at the end of the year, and we’ll catch you next year.

About Author

Marc Abla, CAE

Marc Abla began working at the Illinois Chiropractic Society in 2002 and became the Executive Director in 2008. He brings his extensive financial, administrative and association experience to the ICS. He is a Certified Association Executive and a graduate of the Certified Leadership Series through the Illinois Society of Association Executives. Additionally, he is a member of the Illinois Society of Association Executives, the American Society of Association Executives, Association Forum, Congress of Chiropractic State Associations, and the American Chiropractic Association.

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