CME for the First-time Illinois License Renewal Applicants

First-time Illinois renewal applicants are exempt from most, but not all, CME requirements. The exemption applies whether the licensee was initially licensed in Illinois or licensed by endorsement from another state. Recently, the addition of specifically required courses complicated the first-time renewal rule. Chiropractic physicians renewing an Illinois license for the first time should read this entire article.
First-time renewal applicants are EXEMPT from the following typical requirements:
- 150 Renewal Hours (includes both formal and informal, also called Category I and II)
- Implicit Bias Awareness Course
- Alzheimer’s and Dementia Training
- Sexual Harassment Prevention Training for All Licensed Persons (*HOWEVER, see the section below about non-CME required education that may apply.)
The typical CME requirements listed above are not required for chiropractic physicians renewing for the first time.
However, first-time renewal applicants must take this course:
- Mandated Reporter Training
Illinois law requires all mandated abuse reporters, including physicians, to complete mandated Abuse Reporter Training. Illinois law requires that all legally mandated reporters (including chiropractic physicians) complete mandated reporter training within the first three (3) months of employment or your first practice opening date. Once completed, chiropractic physicians will not be required to take the education for another six years. For a full explanation of this requirement, click here.
All Illinois employees, including chiropractic physician employees, must complete the annual Sexual Harassment Prevention Training their employers provide. For a full explanation of this requirement, click here.
Chiropractic physicians who reinstate their licenses are NOT first-time renewals and must obtain all CME hours for renewal. A reinstatement occurs when the licensee does not renew the license during the regular renewal period and the license goes into non-renewed (lapsed) status for a period of time into the next license cycle. When the licensee wishes to reactivate a non-renewed license, it is considered a reinstatement, and the license must complete the full number and content hours of CME.
For more specific information about continuing education renewal requirements, click here.