Chiropractic Research Update – Fall 2022

Medline contains more than 28 million references, with over one million new citations added each year. Keeping up is tough, but our friends at ChiroUp make it easier by continually scouring and summarizing freshly published literature to mine out new clinical pearls and best practice data. The following up-to-date chiropractic research review offers seven recent studies that will impact your patients and practices.
1. 100% Sensitivity for Distal Biceps Tendon Tear
“A positive palpation rotation test was seen in 33/33 patients (100% sensitivity), as correlated with MRI. The combination of an intact distal biceps tendon within the antecubital fossa, tenderness on resisted supination, and a positive palpation rotation test are highly suggestive of a partial distal biceps tendon tear.”
Deeper Dive: Review the new Biceps Palpation-Rotation Test
Caputo V, Cusano A, LeVasseur MR, Spencer M, Mazzocca AD, Caputo AE. The Utility of the Biceps Palpation-Rotation Test in Diagnosing Partial Distal Biceps Tendon Tears. Journal of Shoulder and Elbow Surgery. 2022 Mar 22. Link
2. Chronic Neck Pain Linked to Breathing Dysfunction
“Patients with chronic neck pain have reduced respiratory muscle strength and pulmonary function compared with asymptomatic individuals, and this difference could be clinically meaningful.”
Deeper Dive: Review this ChiroUp 15 Minutes to Clinical Excellence video on Dysfunctional Breathing, including the most appropriate exercises to correct the issue.
López-de-Uralde-Villanueva I, Del Corral T, Salvador-Sánchez R, Angulo-Díaz-Parreño S, López-Marcos JJ, Plaza-Manzano G. Respiratory dysfunction in patients with chronic neck pain: systematic review and meta-analysis. Disability and Rehabilitation. 2022 Jul 6:1-2. Link
3. Neuromobilization Helps CTS (again)
“The addition of neuromobilization in the rehabilitation program of carpal tunnel syndrome has better effects on treatment outcomes.”
Deeper Dive: Review this prior ChiroUp blog detailing CTS neurodynamic testing and treatment
Ijaz MJ, Karimi H, Ahmad A, Gillani SA, Anwar N, Chaudhary MA. Comparative Efficacy of Routine Physical Therapy with and without Neuromobilization in the Treatment of Patients with Mild to Moderate Carpal Tunnel Syndrome. BioMed Research International. 2022 Jun 22;2022. Link
4. Vitamin D & Tennis Elbow
“…vitamin D levels were significantly lower in lateral epicondylopathy patients in our study. This finding supports that low vitamin D may be one of the factors in the etiology of lateral epicondylopathy.”
Yaka H, Başbuğ V, Tekin AA, Özer M. Evaluation of the relationship between lateral epicondylitis and vitamin D. Joint diseases and related surgery. 2022;33(2):414-8. Link
5. Nearly Half of Neck Pain Patients Have Scapular Dyskinesis
“The prevalence of scapular dyskinesia was 41.9% in the study population [of patients with neck, back, and shoulder pain].”
Deeper Dive: Review this CiroUp 15 Minutes to Excellence video on Scapular Dyskinesis
SAĞLAM G, TELLİ H. The prevalence of scapular dyskinesia in patients with back, neck, and shoulder pain and the effect of this combination on pain and muscle shortness. Link
6. Poor Long-Term Prognosis for Whiplash
The long-term prognosis of patients with whiplash injury-related neck pain was found to be poor. At least 5 years after the whiplash injury:
- 89.5% of patients experienced whiplash injury-related neck pain.
- 68.4% of patients had pain scores ⩾ 3 on the NRS.
- 68.4% of patients were still receiving treatment.
- 73.7% of patients encountered difficulty performing daily life activities and occupational duties.
Park D, Kwak SG, Chang MC. Five to ten-year prognosis of whiplash injury-related chronic neck pain: A brief report. Journal of back and musculoskeletal rehabilitation. 2022 Jun 17(Preprint):1-5. Link
7. Pre-Manipulative Vascular Screening Tests Ineffective
“The validity of pre-manipulative tests of the cervical spine is often questioned, and the understanding of the effect of head/neck position on blood flow is still incomplete. The aim of the study was to assess the influence of commonly used evaluation and treatment positions on intracranial hemodynamic parameters. [This study found] No effects from commonly used assessment and treatment of neck positions on hemodynamic parameters.”
Deeper Dive: Want to learn more about SMT and Stroke? Check out this popular ChiroUp on-demand webinar.
Moll F, Sleiman M, Sturm D, Kerry R, von Piekartz H. Pre-manipulative cervical spine testing and sustained rotation do not influence intracranial hemodynamics: an observational study with transcranial Doppler ultrasound. Journal of Manual & Manipulative Therapy. 2022 May 4:1-1. Link