Author: Tim Bertelsman, DC, DACO

Migraine Headache

“Migraine” is a complex, chronic neurologic disorder characterized by recurrent moderate to severe headaches. The diagnosis of migraine is subdivided into “migraine without aura” (formerly common migraine) and “migraine with aura” (formerly classic migraine). (1) “Aura” is the collection of autonomic nervous system symptoms that occur immediately prior to the headache. (2) Aura symptoms may include visual disturbances, extremity paresthesias, nausea, vomiting, and hypersensitivity to light or sound.

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Managing Hamstring Strains

Summer ushers in a new season of outdoor activities, ranging from running to water skiing. Unfortunately, the relatively high physical demands of these activities can lead to painful injuries of unconditioned muscles and tendons. The powerful hamstring muscle is a common victim, with strains carrying the potential for prolonged recovery.

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Define Sacroiliac Joint Dysfunction

The sacroiliac joint (SIJ) is the load-bearing, shock-absorbing union between the spine and pelvis. It is a mechanical link that connects the chain of locomotion to the rest of the body. This irregular, synovial and fibrocartilagenous joint is surrounded by a strong ligamentous-reinforced capsule and is minimally mobile, allowing only about 4 degrees of rotation and up to 1.6 mm of translation 1,2.

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