Liver Detoxification
In general, we think of liver detoxification in two phases, Phase 1 and 2. The goal is to create water-soluble substances for excretion.
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Posted by Kristina Sargent, DC, MS-ACP | Dec 1, 2014 | Clinical, Nutrition, zall | 0 |
In general, we think of liver detoxification in two phases, Phase 1 and 2. The goal is to create water-soluble substances for excretion.
Read MorePosted by Kristina Sargent, DC, MS-ACP | Jun 17, 2014 | Clinical, Nutrition, zall | 0 |
Part of the story is missing. Billions of dollars have been spent marketing cholesterol, HDL, and LDL as the cause of cardiovascular disease. The research is quite compelling, and it is easy to get caught up in the statistics that link high cholesterol to atherosclerotic disease, stroke, and hypertension. There is another side to the cholesterol story. There are over 100 genes that control the absorption, transport, and metabolism of cholesterol.
Read MorePosted by Kristina Sargent, DC, MS-ACP | Oct 21, 2013 | Clinical, zall | 0 |
We wear sleep deprivation as a badge of honor, and as we learned in the last article this couldn’t be further from the truth. It can be downright debilitating and deadly! Let’s look at brain wave activity during sleep, REM and non-REM sleep stages, and sleep disorders. Finally, we will address lifestyle shifts that will positively influence sleep.
Read MorePosted by Kristina Sargent, DC, MS-ACP | Aug 1, 2013 | Clinical, zall | 0 |
I have overheard many people say, “Sleep is so overrated!” or “I’ll sleep when I’m dead” as if to wear a badge of chronic sleep deprivation is leading to more productivity and success. This mindset couldn’t be further from the truth for you and your patients.
Read MorePosted by Kristina Sargent, DC, MS-ACP | Apr 1, 2013 | Clinical, Nutrition, zall | 0 |
Reported to be the most painful condition next to childbirth, the incidence of kidney stones is on the rise. I have also noticed an increase in the reporting of kidney stones and recently had a 25-year-old female patient suffering from kidney stones since her early teens.
Read MorePosted by Kristina Sargent, DC, MS-ACP | Feb 1, 2013 | Clinical, zall | 0 |
We all have females in our life including our patients, maybe a wife, significant other, aunt, sister, grandma or girlfriend. More than likely, they have complained of some hormonal disruption, at some point. The most common symptoms they may be suffering from include moodiness, lack of sex drive, irregular cycles, heavy bleeding, cramps, hot flashes, night sweats, weight gain, thyroid disorders, weight gain, foggy head, insomnia, and fatigue. Estrogen dominance is associated with infertility, blood clots, accelerated aging autoimmune disorders, and breast cancer.
Read MorePosted by Kristina Sargent, DC, MS-ACP | Oct 1, 2012 | Clinical, Nutrition, zall | 0 |
We discussed the basics of intestinal detoxification in my last article. The gold standard 4-R Program consisting of Remove, Replace, Reinoculate and Repair is the best place, to begin with when a patient presents with multiple issues, based in inflammation. Once the GI system is running smoothly, the liver can regain the ability to dump stored toxins. This is clinically warranted when the patient is still experiencing fatigue, a temporary plateau during a weight loss program, headaches, neurological symptoms like Parkinson’s, Alzheimer’s or peripheral neuropathy, anxiety, depression, and autoimmune issues. Let’s review the detox machinery of the liver, including the nutrients and antioxidants involved; potential issues within the detoxification process and the expected results; and finally a process to optimize liver function.
Read MorePosted by Kristina Sargent, DC, MS-ACP | Aug 1, 2012 | Clinical, Nutrition, zall | 0 |
From alcohol and drug detoxification to colon cleanses that could just as easily be called “colon blow,” the word detoxification implies many things to many people. Thus, detoxification is often misunderstood as a key component to health for many of our patients.
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