Chicago: Massage Therapy and Supplement Rules
Does the City of Chicago require doctors office to hold additional licenses for massage therapy or supplement sales within a practice.
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Posted by ICS Staff | Oct 1, 2009 | Employer Practices, zall | 0 |
Does the City of Chicago require doctors office to hold additional licenses for massage therapy or supplement sales within a practice.
Read MorePosted by ICS Staff | Sep 11, 2009 | Billing and Collections, zall | 0 |
Billing for certain services such as Telephone Services, Smoking, and Tobacco Use Cessation Counseling, Prolonged Services and Critical Care.
Read MorePosted by ICS Staff | Sep 1, 2009 | Compliance, Legal, zall | 0 |
The Smoke-free Illinois Act was signed into law in 2008. This article summarizes your requirements.
Read MorePosted by ICS Staff | Aug 1, 2009 | ICS Message, zall | 0 |
In the center of your August 2009 Journal is a copy of a proclamation signed by Governor Quinn, declaring October 2009 Chiropractic Health Care Month in Illinois. The ICS and the state of Illinois are uniting with other states around the country, along with the American Chiropractic Association to raise awareness about chiropractic care. We hope you will join us, as we move towards October, to promote the efforts of chiropractic physicians as you seek to improve the health and quality of life of your patients.
Read MorePosted by ICS Staff | Aug 1, 2009 | Legislative, zall | 0 |
Due to a 2009 legislative initiative of the Illinois Chiropractic Society, chiropractic physicians may now certify teacher and student sick leave.
Read MorePosted by ICS Staff | Jun 1, 2009 | ICS Message, Legislative, zall | 0 |
The ICS is proud to have initiated an ambitious and aggressive legislative agenda on behalf of the chiropractic profession. Perhaps the most important and ambitious ICS initiative this year, Senate Bill 318 (Silverstein/Saviano), amends the Medical Practice Act of 1987 to codify the authority of physicians to delegate duties to licensed and unlicensed staff. The ICS is proud to report that this legislation has now been passed by both houses and is now headed to Governor Quinn’s desk for final approval.
Read MorePosted by ICS Staff | Dec 1, 2008 | Medicare and Medicaid, zall | 0 |
The Administrative Simplification Compliance Act (ASCA) monitors and requires that all claims be submitted to Medicare electronically.
Read MorePosted by ICS Staff | Aug 1, 2005 | ICS Message, Legislative, zall | 0 |
Six thousand two hundred and nine (6,209). That is the number of bills introduced by your Representatives and Senators in Illinois in 2005. Of those bills, 95 affected chiropractic in one way or another. These bills attempted to affect many issues from Physical Therapy changes to ultrasound limitations, from medical malpractice reform to workers compensation revisions.
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