Author: Adrienne Hersh, JD, ICS Legal Counsel

Informed Consent and Stroke Concern

Informed consent is an important element of modern health care. Gone are the days when the caring but the patronizing doctor made all the decisions, assuming patients didn’t need to understand much about their treatment options. By contrast, today’s health care is intended to be a provider-patient collaboration in which the doctor provides expert advice about diagnosis and treatment options, and the patient must consent to procedures after weighing the information provided.

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Informed Consent and Patient Non-Compliance

“Informed consent” refers to the requirement that, prior to treating a patient, the doctor must provide adequate information concerning the possible risks, benefits, and alternatives to a particular procedure. In Illinois, the requirement for consent to treatment and informed consent has arisen from both statutory (written laws) and common law (court cases).

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Group Coupon and Vouchers

The Medical Practice Act states that a physician, “may not directly or indirectly divide, share or split a professional fee or other forms of compensation for professional services with anyone in exchange for a referral or otherwise.” 225 ILCS 60/22.2. This provision prohibits a physician from paying any source for referring a patient, or from accepting payment in exchange for referring a patient to another provider.

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Limited English Proficiency (LEP)

The Civil Rights Act of 1964 prohibits discrimination based on national origin. Based on this law, the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services has determined that physicians and other providers who receive Medicare, Medicaid, and other federal health plan payments must take “reasonable steps to provide meaningful access” to services to persons with limited English proficiency (LEP), defined as persons who speak English less than “very well.”

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